Friday, April 27, 2018

A few trees and a hydrant (and the sun, and fog, and dandelions, and grass, and a healthy dose of post).

Taking the dogs for a ride. Interesting sunrise.
Took a lot of liberty with the post processing on these. So there.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

'Irony!' or 'I assumed again!'

Well, well, well, I assumed - again!! This post is more about my mis-adventure than nice photos.

Several years ago, I got the idea that I was going to kayak down or up the Nolin river, pull my kayak up the shallow stream (first creek) to first creek lake, then paddle around the lake.
I did just that Sunday, assuming there would be water in the lake. However, much to my surprise, First Creek Lake had drained!!! The beaver dam that dams the lake had developed a leak (slackers!). The lake was mostly gone!  I did drag the kayak around knee deep mud a little, which is a little like work.

I don't know how many times I have hiked to this lake and I have never seen it like this. Actually, it makes a better story this way, and it was still a fun day. It started to rain just as I finished loading everything up. If the lake had water, I probably would have been paddling back in the rain.

So... Here you go.
Iphone pano of First Creek Lake (mud hole).
Nice day for a mud walk.

My kayak in front of the leaky beaver dam.

Prev location of Green Riv Lock and Dam #6

2 minute exposure

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Now with more kayaks.

I've put up almost these exact scenes before. I thought the kayaks added something. As usual, you mileage may vary.

Friday, April 13, 2018

An evening at Floyd's.

Well, I was too lazy to get actual star trails. Did several three minute shots, this was the best. I used my headlamp illuminate the buildings.
Floyd Collins house and ticket office

The bottom shot is from the mouth of Cathedral Cave. Wanted to check out the sunset. I am pretty sure I can get a sunset shot over the river in late June.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Park Romps

No great shots, but the hikes were interesting.

The first shot was from Saturday, we had a light snow, the rest from Sunday.
Someone left directions.