Sunday, March 28, 2021

Just a nice pelican (and two friends).

In my continuing quest to get over to lake barkley ocassionally, I made a trip Sumday. Hauled the kayak over, but it was just too windy. Didn't take it out on the lake. I did have a few pelican 'fly bys' though.


Sunday, March 7, 2021

More eagle drama. Harsh lighting.

Lots of action on the lake today. Actually it was pretty much a case of 'right place, right time'. The adults and juveniles were kicking around on the main part of the lake as I was going in. Then the younger ones were 'sparing' (for lack of a better word) back in piney. On the way out, nothing.  Did do a few gull shots close to the dam on the way out.

The sun was not far out of frame for a lot of the shots. On the shot where the young eagle is hitting the water, he actually has a small fish in one of his talons, that was fun to see, and I could see the fish fairly well in the viewfinder, but it is too small to really see on the photos.